1. Karla + Martel

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
2. Barlow + Rasa

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
3. Raleway

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
4. Playfair Display + Gothic A1

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
5. Work Sans + Merriweather

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
6. Ultra + Work Sans

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
7. Cormorant Garamond + Khula

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
8. Playfair Display + Montserrat

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
9. Satisfy + Halant + Montserrat

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
10. Montserrat + Josefin Sans

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
11. Libre Baskerville + Work Sans

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
12. Dancing Script + Open Sans

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
13. Karla + Zilla Slab

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
14. Taviraj + Lato

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
15. Cormorant SC + Cormorant Garamond

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
16. Josefin Sans + Montserrat

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
17. Poppins + Work Sans

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
18. Archivo + PT Serif

About Flourish Africa

Flourish Africa is the women empowerment movement founded by Apostle Folorunso Alakija
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This Policy (View here) applies to all employees, customers, and any other Data Subject whose personal or computer data is obtained and processed by the Flourish Africa Women Empowerment Initiative website.

Please contact us at info@flourishafrica.com if you have any questions.