Embrace The Uncomfortable

Embrace The Uncomfortable

I recently watched a tedx conference clip starring Luvvie Ajayi. The Nigerian American author of New York Times Best Seller, “I’m judging you”.

In the conference, the author speaks about her journey as a writer. After losing her job as a marketing personnel at a company, she continued what was at the time, a hobby, writing for her blog. During this time, this hobby would grow and become a full time job. However she struggled with introducing herself as a writer for over 7 years out of fear of the unknown.

She describes how fear has a concrete way of keeping one from their purpose. She made up her mind to do everything she had ever been afraid of including sky-diving which she says was incredibly frightening at first but the minute she looked down at what surrounded her, she was in awe of nature.

Be the domino.

She also reveals how being yourself could be the very thing that the world needs. She maintains that when she looks at everything she’s accomplished, she realizes that it was all inmate. She was born to do this! This is her purpose.

Being yourself can be a revolutionary act.

She maintains how she made it a point to shout in a world that would rather have you whisper. None of it is comfortable, she adds. But it is this stretch that we all need to achieve the impossible.

Watch the full video here. 

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