Watch This Powerful Video: “You Don’t Have What It Takes”

Watch This Powerful Video: “You Don’t Have What It Takes”

I shared a message at The Potter’s House at One LA. The message, From Grace to Grit, is about the divine exchange that creates a deeper relationship between God and us. I’ve included the link below just in case you missed it, but that’s not exactly what I want to talk to you about today. During the message I shared how me stepping out on faith and hosting my first conference Woman Evolve is my way of showing courage or strength of character: grit.

Today I have been reflecting over Sunday’s message and spending the day handling the logistics for the conference. I only paused because I felt like I needed to encourage someone who is wondering whether or not they have what it takes to manifest the vision that is on the inside of them.

Here’s your encouragement?

Are you ready?…….

You Don’t Have What it Takes! 

Okay, so maybe that wasn’t as hopeful and encouraging as I thought it would be lol. The truth is if you had what it takes you wouldn’t need prayer, guidance, and God’s grace to manifest it. You may not have all that it takes right now, but you will receive everything you need along the way. What you do have, however, is grace and grit. If God gave you the vision you are the only person on the planet with the grace to bring that vision to life.

There’s a divine enablement for you to have the kind of marriage that heals generational patterns, start the business that changes the industry, create the nonprofit that brings hope into the community, etc. etc. etc…. You may not have all that you need to get from point A to point Z right now, but you have what it takes to get from point A to point B.

Break your goal down into bite-size pieces. When I started thinking about hosting a conference I was initially VERY intimidated. I wasn’t sure where to begin so I started with just thinking about what kind of conference I would want to attend. Before I knew it I’d planned two days of spiritual enlightenment, practical development, and sisterhood.

When I took one step God illuminated the next one. You can wait until 2018 or you can start writing the vision today! It may require some courage, it may reveal some areas where you’re somewhat ignorant, but trust and know that it will also reveal more grace and strength within you.

May your heart be filled with passion and power to become everything that God had in mind when He placed you in your mother’s womb.


Culled from:

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