Your Goals Are Ready But Are You?

Your Goals Are Ready But Are You?

It’s week 4 of 2022 and chances are you’re already starting to relent a tad on some of your goals. Maybe you woke up in a haste today and completely forgot to speak to Jesus before jumping out of bed and into the shower to get ready for work this morning or maybe you forgot your carbs diet and had some bread for breakfast today or maybe you’re on a fast and skipped it completely forgetting that you had promised this year would be different.

I particularly love the infamous quote: “dreams won’t work unless you do”. It’s a stark reminder to ensure that I never relent on the action my dreams and visions need me to put in for them to become actualized.

So perhaps you’ve made all these plans for the new year and you’re feeling pretty pumped up about them, rightfully so. Are you ready to do the work that will get you there? Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone and take the leap that would be required for you to achieve your purpose and truly walk in God’s desired plan for your life? If you are, what steps have you taken so far? We are after all, on the 24th day of the year. 24 days is more than enough time to get this show on the road.

If you find that you haven’t done the work, haven’t gone out of your comfort zone to expand that business, haven’t dealt with the networking problem you feel has been a detriment to your growth, haven’t reached out to thought leaders in your field to get a feel of what will be required for the next phase of your journey, haven’t put in for that well-deserved promotion at work, then you need to deal with the reasons for your hesitation. You need to confront your fears so you can deal with them and move forward.

So, this week I challenge you to not just set goals but take the steps required to achieve them. Take a look at your goals for the year and try breaking them down into bite sizes for each week.  Make an itemized list of what it will take to achieve those goals where applicable. These little steps might seem so irrelevant but they add up to making a big difference in the long run.

Let’s enter into a week of boldness and completely conquer our goals this week now, shall we?

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