Over the course of the weekend, a total of two days, I have heard the news of several sudden deaths of people around me. Thankfully none hit too close to home but it definitely got me wondering about the frailty of life. It could all be over in a second. I thought about all the things I had been worrying myself silly about and how none of it would matter if I mother earth spat me out.
I started to do some work and make a list of all the things i was grateful. As I woke up on monday morning, I woke up energetic, fulk-of-life and with a different outlook towards my future. I had life, anything was possible.
This year, you will encounter a few bumps on the road that have you feeling like you’re not doing enough or hitting those targets but rest assured that there is always something to be thankful for at every step of the journey. So how do you remain in this zone and with this mindset?
Here are a few guidelines:
Be patient
Patience really is a virtue. We get so used to speeding and beating traffic lights in a bid to be successful that we forget to really experience the moment. We forget to really value our small yet mighty steps. We’re so impulsive wanting that big house or that luxurious car right now at this present time forgetting that slow and steady wins the race. It is only when a person is patient and present can they truly be thankful because then, they are made aware of all the little things that are going right instead of chiding themselves over the things beyond their control.
2. Stay prayerful
Our lord’s prayer starts with a vote of praise to God. There’s something about prayer that will remind you to duff your hat to God even if it means it’s only at the very beginning. If you’d like to read our tips for a prayerful life, click here for a quick guide to assist you.
3. Take breaks
One may ask what taking periodic breaks has to do with staying thankful. Similar to being patient, one of the reasons we’re unable to give thanks where thanks is due is because we’re too engrossed with the different events in our lives, that we forget to take stock. Taking breaks by perhaps just spending some time on the beach or taking an hour to read a book by yourself will remind you of all the little things we take for granted as in that moment, you silence the noise.
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