5 Pocket friendly Ideas For a Valentine’s Day Treat

5 Pocket friendly Ideas For a Valentine’s Day Treat

The 14th of February is right around the corner and for those of us in relationships or marriages, we’re giddy with excitement looking forward to what our partners have in store for us. However, it’s also a season of exchange so we’re probably looking at equally pulling off something special for him as well.

It’s the beginning of a new year and one of your targets this year is to save and possibly invest money wisely. So we’ve rounded off a list of some really cute ideas for Valentine’s Day that won’t break the bank and set off a dent in your money saving goals.


1. Be in the know.

One of the beauties of the internet is the fact that it allows you access to everything around you from the touch of a screen. Deal Dey and Group on are excellent websites to register with when trying to get great discounted offers for a romantic dinner out, a spa visit, a weekend in a hotel or even adventure packed outings such as paint balling. The list is endless and with locations listed, feel free to filter for discounts closest to you and refine your search to fit your budget.

2. Beach day at night.

Does your partner like stillness and quiet? This just might be the perfect date idea for him. There’s something so calming about gazing up at the stars surrounded by the unending sounds of the limitless ocean. There might be a little chill in the air so take blankets and a flask of his favourite beverage along with you. It’s also perfect for catching up and even praying about your goals as a couple. There’s nothing more surreal.

3. Relive your childhood days.

Is he an adventure/thrill seeker? Does he love a good competition? Visit the park, a bowling alley, an arcade… for the fun of it. Some healthy competition is great competition and if he loves some good action, he’ll love it. You’ll also save some money as these activities usually cost little to nothing.

4. Dinner Date Indoors

Set the tone by cooking his favourite meal, buy some scented candles to lit up the dining table, purchase some rose petals and you’re good to go. You save all the money you would have spent at a restaurant and nothing beats the intimacy and cosiness of your own home.

5. Gifting

A good way to plan ahead for your gifting is to use E-Commerce sites to compare prices of items. A good one to use if you’re in a Nigeria is Jumia. They seem to have almost everything under the sun and even if you won’t be making your purchase from them, it’s a good way to draw estimates for your budget and potentially decide on a gift.

Some ideas include: Pocket squares, Ties, Fit-bit, wrist watch, Lego (you’d be surprised how many guys love this), basket ball/football/snooker stick (depending on his sport of choice, a pack of socks with elements of his favourite colour.




Do you have any more ideas you’d like to share it’s us? Feel free to do so in the comments section below.



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