How To Position Yourself For Success

How To Position Yourself For Success

Your Mind. The way you see yourself will shape the way others see you. The way you think about yourself determines how you do everything. It affects the way you prospect, the way you interview, the way you present, the way you close, the way you manage your time – it shapes everything you do. As a result, people will see you the way you perceive yourself.

Your Attitude.

Some people walk into a room and say, Here I am! Other people walk into a room and say, Oh, there you are

The difference is whether we are self-centered or client-centered; whether we are ego-driven or value-driven. Our attitudes toward our clients and prospects will always show up in the way we treat people. And, more than any other single factor, the way we treat others will determine the way they respond to us.

Your Appearance. I once interviewed a team of people who didn’t get the job because of how they looked. In fact, if you had left it to me, I would have decided that they were the best people for the job as although they didn’t have the look or feel, they clearly knew their stuff. However, everyone else on the panel had disengaged from them the minute they stepped in as they didn’t look the part. The quote: ‘No matter how you feel, get up and dress up’ couldn’t be more accurate.

Your Actions. Everything you do could either take you further from success or towards it. I recently started an exercise where I documented what i lent my energy to every hour of the day, it helped me become accountable to myself and the more conscious I became of this fact, the less easy it was to allot my time to spending it recklessly. Simply put, you are the sum of what you do.

Your Words. Every word you utter positions you either as a person to be considered important or as someone to be dismissed as quickly as possible.

Your Focus.

 If you want something badly enough, you’ll get it


The most pressing question on your prospect’s mind is always, “What’s in it for me?” The real pros position themselves as consultants and business partners to their clients. They always keep the focus precisely where it belongs – on the client, not on themselves or their products.

Your Presentation. The way you go about setting up and making your presentation says a lot to prospects about how important it is to listen to you.

Has your presentation communicated concisely enough what it is you’re aiming for? Or does it still only make sense to you or in your head?

Your Criticisms. Amateurs see objections as excuses for not buying or as invitations to do battle. But real pros recognize that objections show a prospect’s legitimate concerns – issues which must be cleared up before the prospect will make a decision to buy.

Your Close. The way you ask for an assignment can position you as a true professional with an offer which provides value for the prospect. Or the way you close can make it look like you’re an amateur who’s trying to get a prospect to do you a favor. The difference is tremendous.

Your Follow-up. One of the most vital factors in positioning yourself as a professional is what you do once a sale has been made. Professionalism involves developing a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship with every client. It’s turning one-time customers into clients who view you as a valuable resource in your area of expertise.

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