
This Is How To Bag Yourself A Promotion At Work
This Is How To Bag Yourself A Promotion At Work

If you’re getting itchy feet, you might feel that you need to look outside your company for a promotion but with all the experience you’ve built up in your current…

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Girl Hub Founder, Gusi Tobby Shares Some Advice For Women Looking To Get Mentored
Girl Hub Founder, Gusi Tobby Shares Some Advice For Women Looking To Get Mentored

Gusi Tobby can be found advocating for the girl child on all things empowerment, education and helping the disadvantaged. She is an advocate for volunteering and has successfully created a…

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How To Plan An Event That Sells Your Brand? Here’s How
How To Plan An Event That Sells Your Brand? Here’s How

When your business starts off, you need to tell the whole world. How do you do that? Yup! Have a launch party. Don’t just have a launch party for the…

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Why The Best Time to Follow Your Passion Is Now

If you’re anything like me, you probably have stayed in a dreadful job way past its expiration date in order for you to continue to pay the bills. From the…

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Own Your Brand
Own Your Brand

Sometimes the reason  we don't do too well at selling our craft is because we undervalue it and as a result, we're unable to sell the brand story. Recently, I…

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7 Indicators That You’re On the Right Path
7 Indicators That You’re On the Right Path

Peta Kelly was a self-made millionaire by age 25, and founder of a global movement empowering Generation Y to live radically fulfilling lives through contribution. The self proclaimed hard worker…

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10 Reasons Your Next Hire Might Be a Social Media Strategist
10 Reasons Your Next Hire Might Be a Social Media Strategist

If you are a small business owner, you may think that hiring a social media strategist isn’t necessary. But with millions of people going online every day, you may want…

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511 288 Flourish Africa
You Have To Do A Little More Than Networking to Get Ahead
You Have To Do A Little More Than Networking to Get Ahead

One of the best things that you could ever do for your growth as an individual is to invest in yourself. This includes reading, getting an education and even traveling...…

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5 Ways to Stop Selling Yourself Short in Your Career
5 Ways to Stop Selling Yourself Short in Your Career

  Too often, I have undersold myself and what I am worth not understanding that what you believe you are worth is your true net worth. So, it only stands…

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