This Is How To Bag Yourself A Promotion At Work

This Is How To Bag Yourself A Promotion At Work

If you’re getting itchy feet, you might feel that you need to look outside your company for a promotion but with all the experience you’ve built up in your current role, a promotion might be closer to home than you think. Here are some top tips for successfully taking a step up the ladder without leaving your job.


Sounds simple but so often people sit and wait to be offered a promotion. Sometimes it’s out of expectation and other times out of  fear. Either way, if it is something that you want then it’s time to get proactive about it. Start by asking your manager for a 1-1 to talk about your development and discuss what future opportunities might be available. This will ensure that you’re both on the same page.


Whatever promotion you’re after, it’s really important to get clear on what it is you’re looking for. A complete change in role could take a little while to secure whereas negotiating a salary increase, changing your title or widening your role remit may be an easier way to actually provide you with the satisfaction you’re after. Getting clear on what’s important for you in the promotion will also ensure that you don’t make any hasty moves for the wrong reasons.


Taking the initiative and going above and beyond in your current role will signal to your boss that you’re looking to develop. Volunteering for additional projects or being proactive in seeking out new opportunities or challenges is a sure sign that you can be entrusted with new challenges and opportunities so that where new roles open up, you become top-of-mind.


Building relationships with people more experienced in your field is a must-have to getting ahead. They don’t necessarily have to be your mentors, let’s assume that mentor is simply a functional word. However, it is dire that they not only take a liking to you but go a step further to have a personal investment in you. They have tread the path and have worked the work, so they know a bit more than you do. Don’t take for granted the ability to keep learning; maybe they may even put in a good word for you and we all know how badly connections are the new currency in today’s work environment. A mentor can act as sounding board to explore potential opportunities and to discuss how you may want to move forward in your career. Their wealth of experience aldo enables you to benefit from their learning (without having to make the mistakes yourself) and will help fast-track your path to promotion.


This isn’t about calling all the shots or acting like you own the place but let’s assume you already had the promotion -how would your behaviour be different or what skills/ experience would you have? Acting “as if” or modelling someone already in the role will not only help you to prepare for possible promotion by filling any knowledge or experience gaps but it will help you to start creating a future reality. After all, it’s your thoughts that create the world around you.

We hope you get that promotion you’re after!

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