One of Tony Robbins’ famous quotes are “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten” and this is equally applicable to our finances; living from pay cheque to pay cheque is not sustainable. The cost of living keeps going up and this isn’t the same with our salaries, restricting what we can do with our finances and making the ‘baby girl for life’ dream almost relatively impossible.
‘Side hustle’ as its been coined, gives us the financial freedom we desire and helps our dreams come true. Side hustles are born out of passion which makes it easy to combine the two, you might want to really sit down to think of what your passion is and how to really monetise it. Side hustles will help with skill development and could potentially work as an added advantage by helping to improve your performance at work. Here are three side hustle ideas you might want to give a try:
1. Bring in business for your employer and get a percentage
A better employee is the person who goes above and beyond to get a job done and this attitude the differentiate the person from all other employee. And it is an important attribute to have towards one’s job. Developing a strategic mind-set that thinks up innovative ways to improve the quality of service delivered at a your place of work, can’t be overemphasised. Once these ideas start to increase the company’s profit margin you can always do a sales pitch with your boss to get a certain percentage each time a profit is made from your ideas.

African businesswoman cheering in front of whiteboard and co-workers
2. Decluttering
You can declutter for a price, all this requires is that you gather the clothing items that you haven’t worn in over a year, take them to the laundry or get them washed yourself as that reduces costs, get them ironed and neatly packed then head over to any garage or yard sales near you. By decluttering you will not only make some money which may come in handy but, you will also create more space in your home; in the end it is a win-win situation. More money in your account and more space to move around in your home.
3. Freelancing
Setting up an account with online platforms like Upwork, etc. to apply for roles such as a virtual assistant , freelance auditor, writer, graphic designers is a great idea if you possess the skills required by these platforms. Most people are not aware of this but, this is a good way to make smart money with your smart phones.
That’s it! Three ways you can make some much-needed money while working a 9-5. We wish you luck!
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